Saturday, October 14, 2006

Incoherent messages

When I told you before that I'll be continuing my post the last time, well I cheated. Hehehe. I did not. I was too busy to append that old post. Must move on. Muuust mooove ooon.

Anyways, I back to the board game. With blogging that is. Just wanna post something here lest my account could die out because of inactivity. BTW, does a case like that really happen? I mean, if you fail to update your blog site, will your account be removed forever? Hmm. I wonder.

People has been asking me lately (students, in fact) if I'll be leaving the school where I am currently working right now. I want to answer them affirmatively but then I realized that I am not even sure if the university I'm applying for would hire me. I was given a verbal response by the department chair, but then I would have to wait. I am hoping that whatever this plan that I started would work out fine. Otherwise, I'll be jobless for a six months. Nyay.

Our college dean recently handed me a copy of invitation to study abroad. The invitation said that the candidate would have a chance to gain a masteral/doctoral degree in an Korean university with several stipends. In US dollars (cha-ching!). The dean told me to grab the opportunity. I don't know. But I should think it over first.

That's it. I have nothing more to say. I want to go now.

Babu. :0)

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